Tag Archives: green beans

So, I took my U-Haul to Alycia’s house….

Here’s the picture text I got today:

This week’s pick-up included Swiss chard, bok choy, peas, green beans, broccoli, eggplant, white eggplant, golden zucchini, regular zucchini, really ugly carrots, three kinds of peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Here is my half. Half!

And so it begins..

This week was the first week we really had a taste of just HOW. MUCH. PRODUCE. we should expect.

This week’s haul included three kinds of peppers, yellow squash, a perfect eggplant, lettuce, kohlrabi, Swiss chard, spinach, green beans, tomatoes, snap peas, bok choy, and cucumber. Plus, there is always a sign for CSA members to “Help Yourself” to fresh herbs in giant pots outside the greenhouse. Don’t mind if I doooo.

Here’s a picture!

We’ve been warned by Dean’s Greenhouse that we will be getting more and more over the next 6-8 weeks. Kim, when is your canning class?