

Brinner!  Otherwise known as “breakfast for dinner” – perfect for a quick, tasty meal after work.  Now, I may have cheated just a bit (I prefer to call it “creative license”).  Yes, technically this is eggs and toast.  But the toast is made with garlic scape butter, seared on both sides in a cast iron skillet (yum!!) and the eggs are sitting on sautéed garlic scapes and Swiss chard.

I think it’s time for me to admit something:

Until this year, I had never fried an egg.  Please don’t judge me!  I truly had no idea what I was missing.  I was convinced that I hated the squishy egg yolk and only liked eggs scrambled, so that’s all I ever made.  I wasted years of glorious yolk-dipping!  Years, people!  (The garlic scape toast was fantastic dipped in the egg yolks, by the way.)  The yolks on these got a little overcooked, but I’m getting better.  Part of my egg yolk conversion may be that I’m getting fresh eggs now, and the difference in taste is unbelievable.

Whatever the reason, I am now a sunny-side up fan!  That’s right, Mom.

The Swiss chard and garlic scapes are from my first CSA box from Basket of Life, picked up just hours ago.  Because I have no patience, I brought it home and immediately started cooking.  In my defense, I was hungry and the chard looked really good!

Swiss chard, Bibb Lettuce, kohlrabi, spring onions and garlic scapes.

Swiss chard, Bib Lettuce, kohlrabi, spring onions and garlic scapes.

Box #1 for 2013:  A great start to the CSA season.  I already can’t wait for next week!

Are you a fan of brinner?  What’s your favorite way to cook an egg?  And how do I know when a fried egg is done?  Help! 

11 thoughts on “Brinner!

  1. andrewsbeth

    So glad you tried the sunny side up! Maybe next poached? :)) (My favorite way!) That might be pushing things. 🙂 I do think you are right about the fresh eggs. I am sure the taste is so much better. Those look so delicious on that bed of greens, I could eat that right now for breakfast! What a great idea. I love the warm yummy yolk on a nice crusty piece of bread. In fact I am going to make some eggs right now for breakfast………

    1. Melissa Post author

      Thanks, Mom! Next week I’ll get you a dozen eggs from the farmers’ market – the difference is amazing! I kind of want to put an egg on top of everything.

    1. Melissa Post author

      Thanks for the link, Tammy! I’ve never been a huge fan of hard boiled eggs, but what the heck! Maybe it’s time to give them another try too.

  2. Kirsten@FarmFreshFeasts

    I saw this in my email and changed direction for our breakfast because of it. Even added some toast (though not yours–that looks awesome, I just had buttered bread) to top the egg and sautéed Chinese cabbage from the CSA farm share. As far as knowing when it’s done–depends on how runny (or not) you like your yolk. I usually flip my eggs over when the edges frizzle and then turn off the heat to make over easy eggs, but then you miss out on that yolk porn thing Meghan’s raving about, so lately I’ve been trying to make more sunny side up ones.

    1. Melissa Post author

      Thanks, Kirsten! I hope you enjoyed your breakfast! I might have to try the flipping technique – it sounds like it’s popular.

  3. Jessica

    I love it! You are hilarious. 🙂 I don’t do brinner often, but I am a big fan of breakfast burritos!

  4. Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets

    I love your bringer and that you picked up your first share. How exciting! Squeals with delight!
    Tonight, I ate scrambled eggs with garlic scape pesto, granola bread toast and potatoes for dinner. Great minds think alike huh, or maybe we live in Northeast Ohio and get similar produce. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

    1. Melissa Post author

      Thanks, Meghan. Eggs with pesto sounds fantastic. I’ll definitely have to try that – I have some garlic scape pesto in the fridge right now!


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